Not So New Adam Lambert Risque Pictures


We don’t judge here.  Really.





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55 Responses to “Not So New Adam Lambert Risque Pictures”

  1. Gelles Says:

    i just threw up in my mouth a little bit

    • Anonymous Says:

      I hope you keep throwing up and it’s a really bad illness, and you suffer from it for your whole life.

  2. andrea katz Says:


  3. Poppinfresh Says:

    At first I didn’t think much of him…..but the last few weeks….it’s INCREDIBLE If he doesn’t win Idol he could come here to Vegas and headline a show in any of the biggest casinos….Is this guy human? He’s Elton John and cirque de Soleil all in one. He can take any kind of music and make it his own…again truly amazing

    • TJ Says:

      You are right on! I love your discription of “Elton John and Cirque de Soleil all in one”. Love Adam and am so disappointed he didn’t win. I will probably never watch Idol again. TJ

      • joyce Says:

        i was sooo disappointed when i saw the result i mean come on! kris is great but adam is just something else he’s one of a kind, just unique such a great voice awesome looks and just everything about him is amazing… i mean how couldnt he win it’s not fair he deserved it more but anyhow it doesnt mean he’s not gonna be BIG in showbiz… plus am not even american i live half way the world and i am already #1 fan of adam so…. let’s just wish him the best

      • anonymous Says:

        Don’t be, the Idol winner actually gets a really raw deal. It was probably better to come in second cause a he is so amazing he deserves a better deal and b now he’s free to do things his way instead of idols.

  4. amber Says:

    I REALY DON’T CARE ABOUT IT TH@ MUCH IF LIKES 2 B TH@ WAY SO B IT I SILL LIKE HIM 4 HIM@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=]

  5. CJ Says:

    The first one’s horrible.
    The middle one’s cool.
    The last one’s upsetting. Not because he’s in drag but because he looks better than my girlfriend.

  6. ADAM lover 4 reel Says:

    First one is weird. Second one is kinda cool. Last one so could not be him! There are two sides of him, the smooth sexy rocker you see on American Idol & the gay wad you see in these pictures. He WILL win the competition! He will or the winner will somehow secretly disapear that night … (shhh!)

  7. emmylover5000 Says:

    Hey Gelle,
    your comit, that you posted april 9, you just threw up in your mouth really? its theater, and also get over yourself, so what? your just jealous because he can get some from both sexes!

  8. ciera Says:

    haha omg i love him hes amazing lol hes my idol honestly i dnt thnk u could not have fun when ur with him i dont care at all tht he might be gay hes amazing I LOVE U ADAM LAMBERT

  9. Cydney Says:

    Adam is incredible – part Billy Idol, part Prince, part Elvis – gay, straight, bi – who cares – the boy is beyond amazing, interesting, talented and he can sing like Freddy Mercury

    I have never said this about any singer, but I like his version of every song BETTER THAN THE ORIGINALS

    and lest you think I am a teeny bopper fan, I am a 52 year old adult straight woman!

    • Lourdes Says:

      I’m with you, Cydney.
      He’s a true artist. A natural talent. He’s so comfortable with himself and so beautiful that he’s a pleasure to watch. But above all: wow, he can sing!
      Love Adam Lambert!

    • adam lover too Says:

      OMG I loved adam and i loved all his versions also and i am a grandma of 5 …But i know talent when i see it and he is full of talent .his personal life is nothing to me ..just keep up the good work .HE IS MY AMERICAN IDOL ..KRIS cant hold a candle to adams talent .Kris is cute but cant sing …ADAM IS HOT ..he loves life and loves to have fun go adam

  10. Laura Says:

    Cydney – you’re right. I love his versions much better than the originals. I must’ve viewed Mad World 100 times on youtube… and Ring of Fire was intoxicating. Like Kara said, (something like this..) “The whole thing was weird and confusing but I LIKED it!” He’s gorgeous, his sexiness just oozes from him, and his eyes dare you to flirt back. His orientation shouldn’t matter – he’s just downright talented!! I’m also 52 – but a lesbian!

  11. loulou Says:

    I don’t really like his song stylings, but those pics are hot!

  12. Jackie Says:

    I have to admit that last one makes him look really hot with those amazing cheekbones. . . as a chick i’m kinda jealous!!! hehe!

  13. haley Says:

    but he caint be gay hes too hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Jorge Says:

    Proud of you Adam Lambert be who you are, its getting your dreams fullfilled.
    Best of Luck

  15. kriztina"Lambert" Says:

    ADAM you are awesome!!!!! and i dont even care if u might be gay…… i’ll turn you STRAIGHT:) i LOVE you ANd I KNOW that you are going to win!!!!! I’ll be VOTING all the way till the end 4 YOU !!!!!!! YOUR an AMazing singer and deserve to win…….and your HOTT

  16. kriztina"Lambert" Says:

    AND “GELLE” i hope you threw up in your mouth cuz you were looking at yourself in the MIRROR!!!!!!! your OBVIOUSLY JEALOUS cuz hes HOTT and your NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Gelles Says:

    emmylover5000 & kriztina”Lambert”

    Shouldn’t you girls be doing social-studies homework or something?

  18. Helen Says:

    I think and hope he will win, i really could care less if he is gay it really shouldn’t matter ether way.

    But just because these pictures look a little weird doesn’t mean he is gay, if you look at the first pic it’s obviously from when he was in Wicked, cause if you have seen the show(i have) you know that the costumes are a bit strange.

    The other two i can not explain nor will i try, but quite a few of my guy friends have dressed up like that and done stuff like kissing other guys for fun or to make us girls gush and squeal at them.

    But anyway even if he is gay it shouldn’t matter.

  19. Alisha Rivera Says:

    I THINK ADAM LAMBERT IS JUST SMOKIN’ HOT! I really think he’s going 2 win American Idiol!

  20. Alishia Says:

    I THINK THAT ADAM LAMBERT IS SMOKIN HOT! I really think he’s goin 2 win American Idiol! and how did they get the green pain on him in the 1st pic?

  21. Shannon Says:

    People standing up for this… I feel bad for you. AHHH!

  22. mohamad roslan Says:

    Adam is simply the best… I rather skip my dinner than skip wacthing his show. Adam, I m your no.1 fan.

    Roslan, Malaysia

  23. Elaine Says:

    The only thing I missed while being on vacation, was your blog, Lee! Just remember everyone, as Simon put it, let’s not just sit back and “assume” Adam will win…he needs all our votes!! Who knows what the results will be with all these young girls voting for Kris…ugh! VOTE FOR ADAM…there’s really no one that compares……

  24. andy Says:

    i dont really care if adam is gay! i am a 20 year old southern baptist preachers kid. i have very low gay tolerance. however, as soon as i heard adam open his mouth to sing i was dumbfounded. he is phenomenal. kris will probably win because of all the people who are turned off by the media posting pictures of his possible homosexuality. however, like helen says the first picture is from wicked. when you are in shows you do whatever the costume designers pics for you. the second picture looks like he was just having fun being adam (if you watch the show you know he is a performer and an entertainer) and the last picture if you zoom in and enhance the chin structure looks nothing the same as the first two pictures…idk how credible that picture really is. oh well…adam you rock! you deserve to win and even if you dont, i’m buying your albums cause i know you will have some!!!

  25. Dran Says:

    I don’t think any of these actually look like him. Could be look-alikes. Also, photoshop is pretty good these days.

  26. becca Says:

    i love Adam! i think he’s hot and a great singer. my whole family thinks he’s gay but i dont. hes to hot to be gay. He is going to win!!!! i love you Adam!!!

  27. glenn Says:

    eww eww eww thats why i voted for kris

  28. Stokely Says:

    Adam Lambert…is a God. Everything he says and does is magical. He’s prettier than I am. He’s the most beautiful person I think I’ve ever seen. It’s scary to know that someone is that attractive. He’s got an incredible voice along with charisma that never ends. I think if he really tried, he could seduce Simon. He’s the most incredible creature to ever walk this earth. And I like what Laura said. His eyes dare you to flirt back. That’s about the best way to describe it.
    I actually like all the pictures. The second one if my favo, though, because I love top hats. The last one is so “solid gold”, lmao! It’s cool. I really like the first one, too. I’ll be the first to say it, I guess. Is it just me, or does it look like he has his nipples pierced? If he does, it’s rapidly getting hotter. Guys with pierced nipples is awesome. If you have the body for it, that is. And well…~Points to Adam~…

  29. Danny Says:

    It is ridiculous that Adam lost. He lost because he is gay. He should have won. You see all the a$$ hole voters that are anti-gay that liked Adam in the beginning switched to voting for Kris and Danny. Also, all the female voters that thought he was hot also switched to Kris and Danny once they found out Adam was gay. Once Danny was knocked out all the Danny voters voted for kris. I would guess it was a 60%-40% vote in Kris’ favor. All ant-gays should go F*ck themselves.

  30. MJ Says:

    is he gay?

  31. Danny Says:

    Yes he is gay.

  32. cass Says:


    Stop acting like he is some victim for being gay. That was NOT the reason he was not chosen and we are in a world where people are more tolerant than ever before. Everyone should be happy he is not bound in some crappy contract that he will have to follow for American Idol. Now he can be the artist we all know he is and be who he wants to be – gay or not. Get over yourself.

  33. KiMMY Says:

    so what if he is gay. and so what if he has pictures like his. he is an amazing singer, and thats all that should matter. why does it matter if he dresses up, wears makeup, and wears nail polish. that shouldn’t even matter whether or not he is a great singer. adam lamber really one of the most talented show on american idol. adam lambert is going to be famous no matter what, and kris allen definitely needed to win more, and you could see that adam was very happy for kris. i know a lot of people were mad because he was in musicals but come on, we all know that the real reason is because he is gay, but none of you all want to seen like a homophobic brat, which is re ally but most people judging him are. so everyone really needs to stop being annoying about adams personal life, because quite frankly it is no ones business except for adams. and glenn really how old are you five? the american idol votes are based on the singing not the contestants personal sexual orientation. so everyone needs to shut up and stop talking crap about adam lambert, and get over yourselves. he is incredible. and all the people who agree with me, and have posted before saying the same thing, and to everyone who loves adam lambert. thank you (=

  34. KiMMY Says:


  35. Sarah Says:

    I don’t care if he IS gay at all.
    I personally think those pictures are really HOTT.
    & Yes , I am a girl. Lol

  36. angie Says:

    he iz tha bomb…..idc if he is gay he is sexcii….♥♥love ya and amazing singa…i wish i could meet him……lolz


    he iz tha bomb…..idc if he is gay he is sexcii….♥♥love ya and amazing singa…i wish i could meet him……lolz

  38. I AM BOTH OF THEM™ Says:


  39. hailey F. Says:

    Adam i love u so much, more then u will ever know and i dont care what people say about u. I dont care if u are gay or if u arent i love u and dont forget, u sing better then Kris. U disserved to win.

  40. Yuna Says:

    wow adam looks pretty good in the last one. But i really dont see why a bunch of girls go all crazy for him. He’s so girly and He’s GAY!!! It’s pointless loving a guy that your never gonna be with… I prefer REAL MAN a that can pleasure me in all ways. So for all these girls above, please do yourself a favor and get some real dick 🙂

  41. anya Says:

    ok the loser in the picture at the top of the page with the hat and sunglasses – do you realise how dull you look?

    adam is a creative and beautiful man and you are a conservative, narrowminded person who we could do without in a world that faces plenty of global challenges already.

  42. ASHlEyy Says:

    aNYONe wH0 d0ESNt liiKE aDAM lAMBErt sH0ulDd g0 sUCKK a biiGG 0NE*

  43. ASHlEyy Says:

    aDAMM ii l0VEE y0uuuuu*
    aaf ❤

  44. Sarah Says:

    You people, maaaaan. Who cares if he dresses up like that? It’s his body and his life and he can do what he chooses with it. People who are homophobic are disgusting. How could you hate someone for having a certain preference?! He prefers guys and that’s okay. You may prefer girls, and that’s okay. Bob may prefer apples to oranges, and that’s okay. Sally may like water more than she likes pop, and that’s fine. Some people are just so closed minded and it sickens me that these are the people I share the Earth with. I’m sure you do something that other people would find horrible. Like maybe smoking, or having unprotected sex. Just let Adam live his life and how about you get a life. Bye.

    P.s. CJ’s comment made me lmao.
    P.s.s. I’m not saying that everyone is like this. I’m just saying that a lot of people are.

  45. david Says:

    im shock but i dont jude people im just suprise. that is realy not good for his fame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. bat Says:

    adam was gay at the ama awards

    • Busta Rhymes Says:

      haha wha? he’s always gay. His AMA awards performance was terrible though. It was so embarrassing that made me feel embarrassed.

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